4 Web Designer Skills To Turn You Into A Terrific Web Designer

In an era defined by the rapid emergence of digital technology, the creation, development and maintenance of user-friendly websites has indeed turned into a challenging task. The traditional, compartmentalized modes of designing professional and competent sites are simply not applicable anymore. Instead, a new demand for full-stack designers with the […]

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How to turn your Figma designs into responsive prototypes

Designing for different screen sizes is essential for creating the best user experience. In this article, we will show you how to create responsive prototypes with Figma and Anima. Responsive prototypes in 3 steps: 1. Apply Figma’s Constraints Constraints show how elements should respond as you resize their Frames. This […]

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3 interactive web design trends for 2023

The next phase of the internet has arrived in the 2023 web design trends. As ever, these digital trends are a reflection of emergent technology and its impact on society, and the past year gave designers plenty of material to work with. There have been major advancements in AI—to the […]

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